Everybody has received a legacy. Whether for good or for bad, we’ve all been taught things by those who went before us! In recent years Christians have been encouraged to sever or cut off the spiritual links that tie us to ungodly patterns in our family history. That’s good advice. But have you also considered that there may be some GOOD THINGS in your family line that should be embraced and even cherished? Don’t be too quick to throw such a suggestion away!
The Bible tells us that God made a plan for each of His children before He created the universe. In Psalm 139:15-16, David declares,
“My frame was not hidden from You, when I was made in secret and skillfully wrought in the depths of the earth; Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me when as yet there was not one of them.”
If God planned me (and you) before creation, then there was some powerful DNA being set-up when He made Adam and Eve! God must have foreseen all the generations of people that would proceed from that first couple right down to my own parents who conceived me. So what did God purposefully put in the generations that preceded me to bless me? What equipment for advancing the purposes of God is offered to me through the genetics of my ancestors? What are the good things in my heritage, deposits of God-given blessing intended to advance God’s Kingdom in the earth?
If you study the genealogy of Jesus you find a prostitute, some drunkards, several adulterers, and a long list of ungodly kings along with some people we all greatly respect. Have you considered that none of the sins of Jesus’ ancestors was able to thwart God’s purposes for His life? What about you and me — surely the sins of our families are not too difficult for God to redeem in our lives as well! Sometimes, in our zeal to cut off the sins of our ancestors, we forget to look for the blessings we have inherited. What is your legacy? Is any of it worth saving?
Here are the two major thoughts we will be exploring at the Legacy Conference September 28-30, 2012: What have you received? and What will you leave behind? What is your legacy?
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